Tag Archives: manual365

Manual 365/366 Well, Here We Are!

My last post on my Manual challenge… I could go on about how, through the help of others, I have begun to master the art of photography, to place my own stamp on my work and to think that little bit differently, to see that bit more. I could say how my confidence in myself has grown and how I am better able to accept constructive critique, enable the ignorant and ignore the arrogant.

I could do all of that but actually, I think I’ll end this with the most important thing in my life…dsc_7456-editMy family.

(and my daughters previously unknown ability to shoot water from her fingertips…)

To those who come here often, you know who you are, thank you so so much!

And to All, may I wish you a happy and prosperous 2017!

Here’s to the next 7 billion mile trip around the sun and all the photons to capture that will bring!

Just call me 365 Warrior Peeps! ;o) XXXXX

Manual 365/365… Wait, What…?

So, here I am… And there’s one left over! WTF! I remember the leap year and slapped myself in the head for doing a 365 challenge on a 366 year but I will overcome and tomorrow will be the grand finale, but in the meantime, no photo today, just a video of my journey!

Peace Peeps! See you tomorrow! xxx

Manual 365/364 On A Mission…

DSC_7309.JPGThis time of year you need to make sure you’re correctly suited and booted for whatever the world can throw at you… And my advice? Wear Wellies!DSC_7313-Pano.JPGAnd that’s another one ticked off the list for the year, a beautiful lady under a waterfall!

Peace Peeps!

Shh! You’ll Wake The Neighbours…


“In a spiral galaxy, the ratio of dark-to-light matter is about a factor of ten. That’s probably a good number for the ratio of our ignorance-to-knowledge. We’re out of kindergarten, but only in about third grade.” – Vera Rubin 1928 – 2016

The night is clear, the stars a bright and this is just a sliver of the Milky Way but just in the top right of the frame there is another Galaxy, maybe 100 billion stars maybe more. but this humble photo is at best only 4% of what’s out there and here’s the good bit… It’s here too, this little pebble we call home is spinning through the universe at mindblowing speeds and every moment of every day the dark matter that Vera has predicted surrounds us. And here’s the really good bit, somebody alive today will observe it, measure it and prove its existence. That is a day I look forward to.

32 million miles away from yesterday Peeps!

My World…

dsc_7138-pano-editThere are no words I can use to express how proud I am of my family but as I come to the end of this thing I can only say thank you for putting up with The Old Mans obsession and for everything you do and are! Love you guys! XXXDSC_7167.JPGThe camera goes away on the 1st Jan…. Maybe

Manual 365/363 Eyeballs In The Sky…

The weather today has been sublime. Cold and crisp and as clear as a bell, very little wind and no cloud and I’m sat here now with the windows open listening to the waves gently land on the beach below… It is glorious! I have beachscape and water and landscapes coming out my ears but, due to my (Master Craber) wife and her keen eyesight today’s blog is this little jem…

Sandy Swimming Crab (‘armless)dsc_7162Unfortunately, there should be a couple of claws at the front end but I think he’d had a rough day.

Crab Wars Peeps! x